Coaching Packages

My pricing policy is simple.

All packages include 5.5 hours of coaching and cost €600 (tax included).

You have the flexibility to use them in 6 months.

The Transformational Basic Package


Turn life changing events into meaningful transformation.


The first two sessions are focused on exploring your core values, Leader Within and Life Purpose. The next session we explore all perspectives of your current reality to discover which perspective can serve you best. Then we apply your Life Purpose into this new perspective and create a Transformation plan. The last two sessions are to see how fearless courage can support the Transformation plan.

Package overview:

  • 2 'Unlocking your Authenticity' session of 60 min.

  • 1 'All perspectives' session of 60min

  • 1 'The juice of new perspectives' sessions of 45min.

  • 2 'Fearless Courage' sessions of 45min.

Living Your Life Purpose Package


Define what success means to you and create a clear road map that will keep you on track.


The first two sessions are focused on exploring your core values, Leader Within and Life Purpose. The next three sessions we concentrate on defining how living your Life Purpose looks like in daily life. We also survey the saboteur voices which keep you small, afraid and 'safe'. Finally we use the last three sessions to create accountability and challenges.

Package overview:

  • 2 'Unlocking your Authenticity' session of 60 min.

  • 3 'Where am I going and how am I on my way' sessions of 45 min.

  • 3 'Challenge & Accountability' sessions of 30min.


Clear awareness of what motivates you, what holds you back and how to leverage this knowledge to thrive.

Managing Stress Package


When our plate is full, we experience stress. With this package we'll learn to make our plate big rather than to emptying it.


The first two sessions are focused on exploring your core values, Leader Within and Life Purpose. In the next session we focus on creating awareness on the chain reaction that emotions can create in our body. In the next sessions we leverage embodiment to create body awareness on stress and follow the body's wisdom to close the stress cycle (as explained on the book Burn out by the Nagoski sisters). Finally we create space in your heart and mind with two serenity sessions which helps us transform the sources of stress into thriving tools.

It includes:

  • 2 'Unlocking your Authenticity' session of 60 min.

  • 1 'Understanding Emotions' session of 45 min.

  • 2 'Closing the Stress cycle' session of 45min

  • 2 Serenity sessions of 30min


Capacity of turning your emotional triggers and sources of stress into gifts and opportunities of knowledge, inner power and self awareness.

The Momentum Package

This package is recommended for people who have done coaching in the past and have awareness of their core values and life purpose but require coaching to create momentum.


We create self awareness and goals based on the transformation you need.


In the first session we get clarity on what will make the package successful. The next 6 sessions are to create challenges and accountability.

It includes:

  • 1 'Clarity' session of 60 min.

  • 6 'Challenge and Accountability' sessions of 45min.


Activation and clear focus on what you need to do to create the life you want.

Extra Coaching Sessions

The Extra Coaching sessions are only available after the purchase (and completion) of one of the packages.

Price is 60 (tax included) per 30 minutes.